Byram Lake Association
2024 Events:
July 9, 7:00 - Membership Meeting
Loose Center
707 North Bridge Street
Launch Dates:
Spring: Fri Apr 19 - Sun Apr 28
Fall: Fri Oct 5 - Sun Oct 13
2nd Tuesday of the month
Lake Association Board Meetings
The Byram Lake Association, a non-profit corporation, was formed to:
Promote the education of riparian property owners and other lake users about water quality and water safety.
Morally support issues which concern the welfare of the lake in general, including the conservation of water supply in the lake and watershed, maintain the quality of water safe for swimming and conducive to the renewal of fish resources.
Support the measurement and evaluation of hydrological data of the lake so that decisions and actions of the Association shall be in line with what is best for the lake.